To Know, To Dare, To Do, To Keep Silent, To Go
Jimmy Page A 'Real Estate' Wizard
Mercury D @ 8° Capricorn - age 10-11
Mercury @ 17° Capricorn - age 24
[radix Mercury 17° - 16° Capricorn retro]
Trump 0
"Almost 40 years after the album came out, nobody knows the old man featured on the cover, nor the artist who painted him," Jimmy Page observed. "That sort of sums up what we wanted to achieve with the album cover, which has remained both anonymous and enigmatic at the same time."
Led Zeppelin album cover design graces the Royal Mail. Set of musical postage stamps issued for public use 1-07-10.
Led Zeppelin Formed From Yardbird Ashes
* Purchase Highland Retreat, Boleskine *
Page A 'Real Estate' Wizard

Why so isolated? Frequent questions about occult groups, fellowships, and fraternities, as regards full spectrum in-fighting within secret societies repeatedly bubble up as those with genuine interest in the Twentieth Century discover this topic. Lodge War history abounds throughout Europe and has an influence on those who study the mystic in the US and other countries. More about Franz Bardon, Aleister Crowley and The Rosicrucians in The West Coast Magazine.

Black Swan [residents at
Cygnus Swan constellation -
Swan represented in heraldry: Asdale,
swan's head erased at the neck
The Yardbirds Fillmore Auditorium
Jimmy Page and Tower House
1972 opened with Page transacting business encouraged by his first Lunar Return. The year spotlighted the Eighth Department of Life and subsequent acquisition of the Tower House from Irish actor Richard Harris, who purchased it for £75,000 in 1968. Harris employed the original decorators, Campbell Smith & Company Ltd. to carry out extensive restoration work on the interior. The Moon [real estate, home and garden make overs, and environmental effects such as ‘garden mists’, fountains, the small lake, wetlands, lily ponds, etc.] in a house suitable for the Phoenix, is the best position for reclamation of land and property. The three year renewal period perfectly supported Page’s interest in the late-Victorian town house, built between 1876 and 1878, by and for architect William Burges. Now, Tower House retains much of its internal structural decoration, but the furniture and contents that Burges designed for his home have long been dispersed.
Page said, “I had an interest going back to my teens in the pre-Raphaelite movement and the architecture of Burges. What a wonderful world to discover." Lunar Returns take us through a time block with the opportunity to “go back” and complete or augment unfinished business. These commitments effect the sensorium and, as a pure source of pleasure, prepare us for any new emotional structures we begin to build in anticipation of what will transpire over the next 27 years.
The Department of Life activated by the Lunar Return - cycle is birth, death, regeneration - the Eighth House, also covers matters that pertain to pleasures and speculations of the father, the professions or honors of friends, the religion of secret enemies, if any, legacies, personal property of the partner, and themes that pertain to recuperation, regeneration, and the unknown.
Tower House is located at 29 Melbury Road (formerly number 9) in Kensington, London and is a Grade I listed building as of the 29th July 1949.
"Led Zeppelin History"
Excerpt: Gimme Shelter
On This Day [June 1] In Led Zeppelin History
On this day in 1980, it was reported that Jimmy Page had just purchased a mansion in Windsor, England, from actor Michael Caine. Located on the banks of the River Thames, this massive old stone mill is large enough for its own recording studio. According to reports, the mansion became Page's to the tune of 900,000 pounds. image below.
Three months later, Led Zeppelin stayed at the Windsor mansion because it was near Bray Studios. The band was using the studios to rehearse for the North American tour it was supposed to play that autumn.
At Page's Sussex manor home, Plumpton Place, a 19-year-old "friend of the band" had recently died from an alleged drug overdose.
Page had long been a big investor in real estate. Another actor, Richard Harris, sold Page the property known as
Tower House, on Melbury Road in the London borough of Kensington. Elsewhere in Kensington, Page opened an occult book store called the Equinox in 1976. It closed in 1979, only after using its profits to publish some rare books by Aleister Crowley.
Page also owned Boleskine House, a former home of Crowley located on the eastern shore of Loch Ness in Scotland. A few years earlier, the guitarist had also considered purchasing a Sicilian abbey and farmhouse once owned by Crowley.
Rock and roll, Steve "The Lemon" Sauer
Original post on Sunday, June 1, 2003
Led Zeppelin History: Vol. 5 No. 307
Astrological Note: Sunday, June 1, 1980 12:00:00 pm transits
It would appear either Jimmy Page is a master of the round art himself or he got sound astrological advice from someone else
Sun : 11Gem08 [conjunct fixed star Aldebaran: 9Gem31] with Ceres: 3Gem34 and Vesta: 25Gem20 [conjunct centre star Polaris: 28Gem18] [see
Moon: 12Cap28 conjunct Jimmy Page radix Sun 17° Capricorn 44'; see also
Peacock: 23Cap33
Mercury: 0 Moonchild57 conjunct Venus: 1 Moonchild24 retrograde; both transiting Mercury and transiting Venus conjunct Jimmy Page's radix Moon @ 3° Moonchild 11'; also note the position of transNeptunian Vulkanus: 9 Moonchild17 conjunct Sirius: 13 Moonchild49
Jupiter: 2 Vir 09 conjunct Regulus, conjunct Mars: 10 Vir 18 is over Jimmy Page's
radix Midheaven @ 0° Virgo 06'; additional transits activating Page's MC include transiting Saturn: 20Vir17 conjunct transNeptunian Zeus: 17 Vir 45 - go
Jupiter in the Houses
go Palm Jupiter with Walk of Fame event
John 'Bonzo' Bonham - Kezar Stadium, June '73. The Starship was purchased for
their 1973 tour and used again throughout the entire 1975 U.S. tour, by which
time Bonzo liked to occupy the co-pilot's seat.

Page reflected on Outrider a few years after its release [19 June 1988]:
"Outrider's all right. It's demo-like compared with those overproduced albums that came out at the time. It didn't do very well - doesn't matter - but I did tour. I was playing music on that tour going right back to The Yardbirds.
Jason [Bonham] was the drummer on that tour."
Outrider is a blues-rock album by Jimmy Page, recorded in early 1987 at Sol Studios (aka The Sol), in Cookham, Berkshire, England. The Sol was built in the early 1980s by Gus Dudgeon who subsequently sold it to Jimmy Page.
Page has released only one solo album to date - released on the Geffen label. Page's band The Firm first recorded its self-titled debut album at The Sol in 1984, featuring hit single, "Radioactive," the album being released the following year. The Firm's subsequent album, Mean Business, was also recorded at Sol Studios.
Page experienced a major transition during 1986-87 during the process of Outrider's creation. His progressed Sun moved into the first degree of the sign Pisces and his Venus entered the weeping degree of Capricorn, his radix Sun Sign. Outrider marks the first time since 1969 Page recorded with a record label other than Atlantic Records/Swan Song Records. His break from tradition is a direct response to the path of collective inteligence represented by Pisces. When the face of Nature is unveiled, so that the interaction of all her laws is perceived, meditation upon this fact leads to the surrender of personality - and liberation of personal consciousness [Trump XIX The Sun].
The project was intended to be a two album release, but there was a betrayal or some kind of treachery, and Page's house was broken into and robbed. The disposition of p Venus @ 29 Capricorn was not the cause of theft, but indicates the loss of valuable personal items, including the demo tapes which had been recorded up to that point. The break-in happened during the early recording stages of Outrider, during the sojourn of his progressed Moon over his radix Capricorn Sun, so transformations and transmutations of light survived the attack on his work in progress, as referenced in the cover image of Page. The representation is one of suggesting contemplation of "stellar light", the literal meaning of the word KVKB, Kokab, usually translated "Mercury." This theme is fully developed in the eventual composition of the Page-Plant release, "Most High," recorded after several more spiral turns. At the time of Outrider however, special contributions were forthcoming, as
typify the path of collective intelligence. The sphere of the Moon refers to LBNH, Lebanah, or "whiteness," but the word signifies, "ornament of the heart," linked with the great sympathetic. Robert Plant appears on one track, "The Only One", and John Bonham's son Jason drums with Page for the first time on record.

Jimmy Page Documentary
Jimmy Page’s official facebook
John Bonham - Legends ~ Performers From The World Stage - Jason Bonham homepage - John Bonham Posthumous Award
John Paul Jones enter -
Robert Plant enter
Theories of Procreation: Many ancient theories about the generation of what exists in this dimension were once debated by philosophers, even that there are "male and female sperm" involved [Hippocratic Corpus]. This would seem to mesh with the "primal waters" of ancient Egypt, recognized as the masculine face of the primal waters and the feminine face of the primal waters. Genesis does not specify the bi-polar principles, however does state the Elohim were 7 feminine emanations responsible for co-creation, and then of course, there is the theory attributed to Darwin...

Well known individuals with Venus [copper, brass] in the First House Men with Venus in their Ascendant include Alan Alda, Ben Affleck, Meher Baba, J.M. Barrie, John Belushi, Orlando Bloom, José Carreras, Lewis Carroll, George Clooney, Joe Cocker, Jean Cocteau, Peter Cook, Billy Crystal, Danny Davito, Bruce Dern, Donovan, Mahatma Gandhi, Allen Ginsberg, Hugh Grant, George Frideric Handel, Ed Harris, Richard Harris, Isaac Hayes, Benny Hill, Judd Hirsch, Aldous Huxley, Jeremy Irons, James Joyce, Larry King, Helmut Kohl, T.E. Lawrence, Jay Leno, Tobey Maguire, Ray Manzarek, Groucho Marx, Arthur Miller, Robert Mitchum, Paul Newman, Jimmy Page, Luciano Pavarotti, Norman Vincent Peale, Gregory Peck, François Rabelais, Steve Reeves, Richard the Lionheart, Arthur Rubinstein, William Shatner, Oliver Stone, Lech Walesa, Wagner, Walt Whitman, and Michael York.
Women with Venus in their Ascendant include Joan Allen, Evangeline Adams, Yasmin Aga Khan, Lucie Arnaz, Lauren Bacall, Shirley Bassey, Carol Burnett, Ingrid Bergman, Sandra Bullock, Dyan Cannon, Laura Dern, Cameron Diaz, Queen Elizabeth II, Linda Evans, Judy Garland, Teri Garr, Rita Hayworth, Billy Holliday, Angelina Jolie, Gelsey Kirkland, Dolly Madison, Giulietta Masina, Linda McCartney, Sarah McLaughlan, Margaret Mead, Helen Mirren, Margaret Mitchell, Kim Novak, Merle Oberon, Eleanor Parker, Leontyne Price, Charlotte Rampling, Lynn Redgrave, Sally Ride, Helena Rubinstein, Grace Slick, and Nancy Wilson.

Michael Caine, the Old Mill House, purchased by Jimmy Page
Official Michael Caine homepage -
Michael Caine poster art
Tight But Loose -
Tight But Loose Celebration Day news
You Tube Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day -
view trailer
10 forward – galley, Bat Cave,
Colour Us Cornucopia,
Indiana Jones Menu,
Innholders' Company
It's All In The Sauce,
Jupiter Table,
magic spice,
Mercury Table,
Oracle's Lab,
Starshine Inn -Star Wars, tangerine, vittles, Western Inn, Zeppelin Diner
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update July 2016
