Sarah Ferguson's Fergie's Cup of Tea Recipe
Sarah Ferguson, The Duchess of York, definitely serves an English cup of tea! The secret is in the preparation.
Loose tea
Boiling water
Lemon, milk, or sugar
Water must be boiling; not tepid, not merely scalding, but boiling. Just as it begins to boil, pour bit of it into teapot and leave for a minute to warm up the pot. Bring water back to boil again, and throw hot water out of teapot. Add a couple of teaspoons of tea to now-warmed teapot. Boil water again, pour a little of it over the tea, just enough to wet tea and it begins to warm and soak a bit. Wait a minute, then add the rest of the boiling water. Let steep for three to five minutes, depending on how strong you like it. Using a tea strainer, pour into a cup. Duchess of York says "My mum always said that tea tastes much nicer out of a cup and saucer, and goodness she was right!"
Source: Modern Maturity Magazine
Golden-Yellow Tea Party
Yellow is a pretty color for a bridal tea given in May, June, or July. Use scores of yellow candles in crystal candlesticks and candelabra, and yellow roses in vases, baskets and wall pockets on window and book ledges, plate rails, book cases and hung in the doorways by yellow ribbons. An immense basket of yellow roses and ferns with a white cupid in the center is pretty in the center of the tea-table. Outside this basket have a border of individual crystal candlesticks with yellow tapers and small golden hearts attached to the tapers. The bonbons are yellow hearts and all the refreshments are yellow and heart shaped.
Accent colors should be selected from among the slower moving cool spectrum: lavender, royal purple, and violet.
Summer Porch Tea Party
A porch tea party given for a partner or special friends, during summer, is a most enjoyable affair. Guests are seated on the porch which has immense jardinières filled with garden flowers, and draperies of large American quilts or flags. The punchbowl is just inside the door in the hall. Guests bring their needlework and as they sew, one of the number reads poems, famous biographies, or a group of original stories. The refreshments are lemon sherbet, macaroons, sweet wafers, pecans and bonbons.

light on the water - the setting sun sending streams of colours across
a field of deepening blue-violet: the deeper sea during a warm sunset
power colours in the aura field that correspond to Trump XIX The Sun
resemble symbolic thought forms that link to the jewel of the rose cross
the pelican feeding its young
Opalesque-Lavender and Peacock Purple
Mr. Scavullo: Why do you always wear purple?
Mr. Lerman: My real preoccupation with purple began about six years. Ago. Until then it was limited to purple socks, which I first started wearing twelve years ago. Suddenly one day I saw these perfectly marvelous purple socks. And the color pleased me. I felt so relaxed when I saw that color. So I bought four dozen. And I never bought another color sock after that. Then about six years ago I got to hankering after a lavender shirt, because I thought that since I was getting older, and my whiskers were turning white, and I knew how absolutely beautiful lavender is with silver hair on old ladies, I thought it would work for me, too. Also you can wear practically any other color with lavender. You can wear the loudest colors in the world and they look subdued in some strange way. Lavender caresses, as does the whole purple range.
-Mr. Scavullo interview with Leo Lerman, features editor of Vogue
For Astrologers
Neptune governs the liquer known as Soma, the pineal gland, the solar plexus and co-rules the aura field and astrosome.
Note the location of Neptune in the sky as he is deposited in the radix star chart. The ruler of the cusp of the department of life activated by the planet of 'The Utopian Urge' is important in progressions constructed for an individual during the course of the seven year pivotal renewals and other important events during the lifetime.
Psychic and seer activity, mediumship, dreams and blueprints for problem solving with creative resources in mind, the hall of music, fantasies, illusion, extreme sensitivity, altered states, hypno-therapy, past life recall; alcoholism, refinement, past karma records lodged in the aura field and deep tissue that could surface during massage or modification techniques that restructure the dream laboratory, the play, twin flame, and the immaterial world.
Personifications of Neptune are artists, composers, poets, interpreters, tribal dreamers, illusionists, mediums, transmediums, psychics, mystics, pilgrims, empaths, dream and/or paranormal researchers, chemists, filmmakers, musicians, singers, those who study marine life and underwater gardening, those who monitor and track spiritual treasure, treasure hunters [especially ships lost at sea], anesthetists, addicts and alcoholics. The Twelfth House governs places of confinement [wherein human rights and legal freedoms limited or denied during the Piscean Age].
Tony Bennett
The Way You Look Tonight
Someday when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight.
Oh, but you're lovely with your smile so warm
And your cheek so soft
There is nothing for me to love you
And the way you look tonight.
With each word your tenderness grows
Tearing my fear apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
touches my foolish heart
Lovely, never ever change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight...
Symbolism of the Soulmate - Union of Soulmates
Think of the representations of drops of water in the world oceans. Consider the significant iota - a single dot - and the material universe composed of single dots, akin to a canvas by master of pointillism, Georges Seurat. The single dot, by itself, may be passed over, but in the cosmic mind it is part of a grand design. Seurat created huge compositions with tiny, detached strokes of pure colour too small to be distinguished when looking at the entire work but making his paintings shimmer with brilliance. Works in this style include Un dimanche après-midi à l'Ile de la Grande Jatte (1884-86).
In metaphysical symbolism, reference to incarnate beings, at the acolyte stage, suggest the movement of power energy up the spine toward the heart center. The conversation that transpires in the heart center between the finite and immortal self may be overheard and engaged in when awareness of the process is achieved. The symbol for this part of the climb to higher awareness is the small, lower case, "i".
The heart centre itself, often symbolized as the solar symbol, a circle with dot in the center, represents the building of character. Once energy arrives in the heart center, the "i" becomes greater part of the total self, the upper case ”I" because the upward path connects with the centre of self [the dot] and the two symbols unite.
From then on, the movement continues upward to the skull [the brow center, often symbolized as an eye] a play on words in symbollic language. The eye is round with a pupil at the centre - a lens actually - but made of space. This subject opens another door, a conversation discussed with reference to a different trump.
The line that moves to the very top of the circle, after the movement has completed itself, then connects with the bottom of the circle. So the same line that reaches the highest part of the circle runs through the dot in the middle of the circle on the way up. This continuous, unbroken, straight line halves the circle, suggesting two parts of the whole, the right and left brain, the two children in the image of Trump XIX: the little girl and little boy, under the radiant sun.
As the aware and motivated individual finds the centre of gravity in the heart chamber, and focus on the mystical body of Christ, the monad, collective unconscious, and so forth, takes center stage, the movement upward once again commences. The adapt can begin to see the physical universe from the viewpoint of spirit. The third eye, or brow center is symbolized as an open eye - just as portrayed on the United States dollar bill. Note that the detachment of the "I" symbol of the monad, as the eye above the pyramid image suggests, during the Aeon of Pisces, stems from the absence of the philosophic level at the top of the food chain. The military age restricts people so they don't participate in the reunion of souls at higher levels of consciousness while in a waking conscious state of mind.
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