above Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra in a banquet scene set to lure Marc Antony [Richard Burton] to Egyptian soil.
Director Joe Mankiewicz originally screened a six hour cut for the studio initially shot for two separate screenings, probably with the same goal as Peter Jackson [The Lord of the Rings], and the Wachowski brothers [The Matrix]. The first part of the story featured Caesar and Cleopatra and the second half would have featured Marc Antony's relationship with Cleopatra after Caesar’s assassination. By the time of the premiere, the film was four hours. The studio said that was still too long because that running length didn't permit two showings per theater per day. The final theatrical cut was 3:14.
The 2001 DVD includes the first theatrical cut, which is about four hours long. The missing two hours from the pre-theatrical screening have never turned up despite an exhaustive search through the vaults.
More Taylor-Burton films

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